Tourist spots

We consider the center of Mercheașa village a good start for any activity in the area. We have a map with all the places worth seeing and we will help you get where you want to go.

We can point you to hiking or cycling routes to:

satul mercheasa homorod

Mercheașa Village

The first settlers from the valley came here around the 12th century and their main occupation was horse breeding. Mirko’s Fair, or Mirkvasar, was the original name of the Mercheașa locality and the German name is Streitfort. Of the original 700 Saxons, who called this place home, only one family of original Saxons remains in the village, which currently takes care of the fortified church in the center of the village. 

Nowadays, the bell tower quietly watches over the village, with no particular purpose, just to stand the test of time. Our fortified church is in ruins and the last mass was held here in 1990. It is directly opposite our guesthouse and can be visited on request.

stejarul din mercheasa

The secular oak – the Elder of the Carpathians

The most emblematic place in Mercheașa, which gave the village its name. Only recently discovered, the 930-year-old oak is a legend in itself, being the largest and oldest in the entire pasture of centuries-old oaks. It is only 3.5 km from our guest house.
pasunea cu stejari seculari mercheasa

Pasture of secular oaks

An incredible journey through time. Discover what is considered the largest pasture with centuries-old oaks in Romania and a possible candidate among the largest oak reserves in Europe. Home to over 500 oak trees over 200 years old, this enchanted forest can bring the excitement of a story to life.

Racoș Geological Complex

A volcano, an emerald lake and basalt columns make Racoș a great destination for everyone. The place is spectacular and well worth the trip. The formations appeared as a result of the volcanic activity in the area, which took place millions of years ago.
cetatea rupea brasov

Rupea Fortress

Located on a basalt rock at the top of the Cohalm hill, the Rupea fortress has been watching over the city of Rupea since the 14th century. Accessible by paths that start in Mercheașa, also crossing the village of Homorod, the citadel offers a superb view of the surroundings. Recently renovated, the citadel aims to be a center for the development of tourism in the area and we warmly recommend visiting it.
biserica fortificata homorod

Homorod Fortified Church

A beautifully preserved Saxon church, one of the 300 fortified settlements left as a legacy from the Saxons of Transylvania. Homorod has some interesting legends to tell and the view from the tower beats any drone footage. Make sure you call ahead for the key and also visit the 12th century fresco under the main tower.
cetate jimbor

Jimbor peasant fortress

Romantic ruins located at the top of the village, quietly guarding the entire valley of Homorod, up to Rupea. Accessible by an easy 15 minute walk from the center of Jimbor village. On the way, enjoy the very beautifully painted Molnar house which is right next to the Jimbor Fortified Church.
raul olt brasov

Olt River and Cotul Turzunului Bird Reserve

Enjoy a walk through the hills to the great river. The Olt flows carelessly along the meadows and birch forests of Transylvania until it reaches the Făgăraş mountains. Acting as a backbone for the entire region, Olt is also home to numerous species of birds and amphibians. Choose a kayak tour on the Olt River and make sure you don’t make any noise while floating down the river.
cheile dopcai

Dopcăi Gorge

It is not the most famous gorge in Brașov county, but certainly the wildest. Remote and devoid of any sign of tourists, the Dopca Gorge is home to an abundance of wildlife and fantastic rock formations. Make sure you get a map as there is no signal when you are in the gorge. Check out the waterfall in the Valley of Heaven and the hunter’s lodge at the end of the trail.
biserica fortificata viscri

Viscri Fortified Church

The famous UNESCO World Heritage Site is only a 20-minute drive from our guesthouse. We also recommend this area for cycling, as there is a fantastic cycle path built between Viscri and Sighisoara.